Published on November 17, 2022 (Updated on May 06, 2024)

Ore Golems by ForeverAPigman

Welcome to Ore Golems! In this Addon, I have a number of unique Golems with useful features. These Golems are created using the new Soul Core block and the Trapped Soul item, both of which I will explain how to obtain. Anyway, enough of the introduction! Let’s get into the Golems.

Select version for changelog:

  • Updated everything to match Mineral Golems
  • Added new Coal Golem features
  • Reverted the Iron Golem's texture back to its vanilla one
  • Added damaged textures for the Diamond Golem

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

amazing mod. just curious though, what do you mean by updating to match mineral golems in the changelogs?
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Thanks. Mineral Golems was running on a more updated version of Minecraft, and I just updated Ore Golems to match that. Now they both run on 1.19.60. Also, Ore Golems and Mineral Golems both have a few identical files, and I changed them a bit when I put them in Mineral Golems, so I just updated them for Ore Golems. I also formatted Ore Golems's MCPEDL page to be like the one for Mineral Golems.
you're an amazing modder. ive looked all over this app and trying to find one for my PS5 realm but all of the ones on this app are either broken or to overpowered. could you make a Herobrine that's not op but a fun boss fight and also scary Id be willing to show my support if you know what I mean
Potentially. I've been thinking about making a scary Addon anyway. But if I ever decide to make something like that, I have to warn you it will probably take a long time because I am pretty slow at making Addons. 😅
how do I obtain igneous netherite
The simple answer is kill a Netherite Golem. For more information, scroll up and read the Netherite Golem's description.
that's the only way? netherite apples are amazing but if it cost diamonds and netherite and whatnot to summon just so I can get netherite apples seems unfair. I know you worked hard on this mod and I absolutely love it so far as well as your newer mineral golems. but do you think you can add way to
But... ...getting Igneous Netherite is the whole point of the Netherite Golem boss fight. Netherite Enchanted Apples are not supposed to be easy to get. They are meant to be for the postgame.
Lapis or redstone golem?

You can only choose one.
Are you asking which one I like better? I'm sorry but I'm going to have to say both. I like them equally.
can you add obsidian golem
I will be adding an Obsidian Golem in my other Golems Addon, Mineral Golems by ForeverAPigman. Here is the link:
can you add raw golems
Raw Golems? You mean like the Raw Ores? Uh, no. Sorry.
can you make the copper golems drop more coppers(because now they drop 1-3 coppers)
please make they drop more
I think 1-3 Copper Ingots is reasonable. You only need 9 Ingots to build it after all. Now compare that to an Iron Golem. For an Iron Golem, you need 36 Ingots to build it, but it only drops 3-5 Iron Ingots. At most, it only drops around 13.89% of what you used to build it. Now back to the Copper Golem, at most it drops around 33.33% of what you used to build it. So anyway, 1-3 Copper Ingots is very reasonable.
can you make the copper, diamond golem spawn in village, quartz and gold golem spawn in nether, netherite golem in bastion and coal golem in caves? Like the iron golem
First of all, Gold Golems already spawn naturally in the Nether. Second, not every Golem needs to be able to spawn naturally. Some of them are too overpowered or valuable to spawn naturally, such as the Diamond Golem and Netherite Golem. Others just don't have a place where it would make sense for them to spawn naturally, like the Coal Golem and Quartz Golem. I think the spawning mechanics are fine how they are.
copper golems have not been talked about there so can you make them spawn in the villages or trial chambers?
I think it would make more sense for them to spawn in Jungle Temples. However, it is impossible to make custom mobs spawn in vanilla structures, so the answer will have to be no.
I know why the gold golems spawn in the nether. they need netherracks and the environment to spawn there, don't they? can you make copper golems spawn there with the cọnditions are the cobblestones or mossy cobblestones and need the jungle environment. Like the wither skeletons spawn in the fortress need nether environment and need nether bricks to spawn. sorry for asking too much
It's actually not that simple. First of all, that's not actually how Wither Skeletons spawn. They spawn using a custom biome, which is the Nether Fortress. The problem is, Mojang keeps certain things a secret from us creators, which is annoying. One of the things they keep away from us is the structure biomes, including the Nether Fortress, so that's why it's difficult to make custom mobs spawn in vanilla structures. Second of all, that's also not how the Gold Golem spawns. One of the things that Mojang has not kept away from us is the spawn rules for the Piglins, which use their own custom biomes to spawn in. The biomes they spawn in are not real biomes, they're just spawn rules that are counted as biomes. The Gold Golems use the Piglin's spawn biomes to spawn themselves. Now, it is actually possible to make a mob spawn how you suggested. You can set a certain biome and add a block filter, but I've actually already tried that for the Copper Golem. I set it to spawn in a Jungle with a block filter of Cobblestone and Mossy Cobblestone, but I could not get a single one to spawn in a Jungle Temple. The only way I could get them to spawn was by creating a giant square of Cobblestone in the sky and waiting for about 10 minutes. I tried increasing the spawn limit and everything, but they still wouldn't spawn in the Jungle Temples, so I eventually scrapped the whole thing. Maybe I will try again someday, but that's the reason why the Copper Golem doesn't spawn naturally.
can you update one more time? add some features and change the names of spawn eggs (old: Spawn ..., to ... Spawn Egg)
Oh, I actually did not know about this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will update the Addon after I am done working on Mineral Golems.
Idea: putting the ingneous netherite in a furnace and smelting it will need to take 5 mins to be smelted and when finally done will give you 1-4 netherite ingot(s).
What you are suggesting is a Netherite farm. Hmm... ...well first of all, I can't change smelting times. That's a hard-coded 10 seconds. Second, I don't think a Netherite farm is a very good idea. The Netherite Golem already has enough rewards.
you should do a addon of lost mob bot mobs and mobs that are in other Minecraft games
Isn't there already an Addon that does that?
Please add new attacks and new animations for the Iron Golem.
Slashing with either arm deals area damage and knocks enemies back.
Raising both arms and slamming the ground deals area damage and knocks enemies back.
Use your head to hit the enemy.
When enemies are far away, they will throw attack blocks at them.
Swings your arm back and then swings it back up, sending enemies into the air.
Jump and smash on the ground. Causes severe damage.
All this for the Iron Golem? I already have an upgraded Iron Golem in this Addon. It's called the Diamond Golem. Scroll up a bit and you can read all about it.
Is it all good if I create a world with your addon? Then upload the world on
What is this world for? Is it a showcase of my Addon? Or does it simply use it? Basically what I'm asking is, is the Addon the main focus of the world?
The world is going to be a boss fight run, starting from the gold golem and ending with the netherite golem. Basically, it is just a boss fight map using your addon.
Well, there's only like, 4 Golems in my Addon that will attack you. But if you really want to make the world, then go ahead. Just make sure to give proper credits.
Thanks so much!😀
Very good addon. i got a suggestion to next update: ender golems New ender boss and more custom items
An Ender Golem? What would it be made out of? Also, what kind of custom items? More food? Or something else?
endstone golem and more food
I already have an Endstone Golem in my other Golems Addon, Mineral Golems by ForeverAPigman. And why would an Endstone Golem be a boss anyway? Although, if Minecraft ever adds some kind of Enderite into the game, I will probably go with your idea. Also, I think Minecraft has enough food items. I definitely don't want to add another Enchanted Apple food. In my opinion, one is enough. After that it's just overkill.
I am adding more Golems in my other Golems Addon, Mineral Golems by ForeverAPigman. Here is the link:
Good addon but a little criticism.

I feel like the netherite golem battle is pointless, you use 1 netherite block, 4 diamond blocks, and 5 gold blocks to make it. What does it drop? 1 netheritr block, 0-4 diamond blocks, and 0-5 gold blocks. That essentially means the boss itself is pointless. It should drop a unique item or summon a useful mob upon death. Y'know?
I included this in its entry, but the Netherite Golem drops 1000 to 1500 Exp if you kill it. That equals 26-30 levels if you are at level 0. For comparison, the Wither drops 50 Exp, and the re-summoned Ender Dragon drops 500 Exp. And yes, I know killing the Ender Dragon for the first time gives you 12000 Exp, but you can only do that one time. You can fight the Netherite Golem over and over as many times as you want, and it always drops 1000 to 1500 Exp. The Exp is the whole reason for fighting the Golem. It's kind of like an Exp farm.
I want items! Exp is nice but I at least want some J's. J's = Cool shoes.
What kind of items? (I'm assuming the shoes were a joke.) Like, some kind of mythical weapon? Or something used for crafting a mythical weapon? Or an item that is used to craft a special block? Or maybe just an Enchanted Apple? I'm open for suggestions if anyone has any cool ideas.
Hmm... ...a Netherite Apple. I know people would just make an auto-kill farm for those things, but maybe I could make it drop a fragment of a Netherite Apple and you would then have to craft it together with an Enchanted Apple to get a Netherite Apple. But if you are using an Enchanted Apple to make it, the Netherite Apple would have to have massive stat boosts... ...maybe triple the effects of an Enchanted Apple and last twice as long, not to mention other beneficial effects, like Strength.
That's not a bad idea. I might add that.
Add the netherite monstrosity skin to the netherite golem, or add the monstrosity itself to the addon, that would be really cool, score 1000 for this addon, one of my favorites
I like my own Netherite Golem texture better, so I don't plan on changing it. I also don't plan on adding any more monstrosities or monstrosity-like golems. Sorry. But thank you for the ideas anyway.
Hi, we're Nul And Diz Studios(Yes, we've commented before, hello again). We are making an Illager addon, and we would like it if you would let us use your Redstone Golem, and the Model and the Animations of the Netherite Golem. Credit will be provided, and we hope to get your permission. Thanks for reading!
Well, I guess that would be fine. You don't even have to credit me if you're only using the models and animations, because I got them from Minecraft Dungeons. However, if you are using the behaviors for those mobs or the texture for the Netherite Golem, you would have to credit me because I did create those. Also, the Redstone Golem (And Lapis Lazuli Golem.) texture I use in this Addon is a recoloration I created of the original Minecraft Dungeons texture (I created the recoloration because I wanted the Golem to have a simpler color pallet and to give it more Cobblestone-y colors.), so you might want to use the original Minecraft Dungeons Redstone Golem texture instead of mine. If you decide to use my Redstone Golem texture, you will also have to credit me for that.
Thank you, and yeah, we'll use your behaviors, but edit it to our liking. As for the textures, we are not using your netherite golems texture, and will use your redstone golems texture. We will credit you, and thanks.:)